Saturday, May 28, 2011


When I was in college, the word "reflect" would have sent me screaming from the room. The teacher education program I was in only allowed 35 students per semester. This created a tight group of students who navigated our last few months of college together. At the end of that year, a few students got together and a sweatshirt made for everyone, the front said "Reflect This." So I guess that pretty much sums up how we felt about reflecting!
I have learned years later, that being able to reflect about your work is a gift. I was taught to do it so often, that it is now ingrained in my everyday classroom life. Sometimes I probably reflect a little too much...thank you Mrs. Shelton. I tend to especially reflect on those lovely parent survey results I get back each May. I try to stay positive an not get annoyed at comments that are less then perfect. This is my own fault, and although some things are out of my control, like the location of our classroom??? I do reflect a lot about it. It is funny how the positive comments, which is really most of them - I forget as soon as I have read them. But, what sticks are the other "little" things. Like a parent who wanted more detailed e-mails...really? What does that mean? Especially when this was the first year I started sending e-mails on a regular basis for just about everything. It really makes me dream about things like standing up in front of everyone at graduation and demanding to know who wrote that! Ahhh...moving on though...reflection is a good thing.
After I have gotten over the "little things". I am reminded that there is a bit of truth in everything, and it is my job to find it, reflect, and redo. When we start to feel like there isn't anything we can do better, then we have a problem. A classroom and education is an ever evolving subject. I do not want to become stagnant, convincing myself that there is nothing that I can improve on or learn about.
So as I enter the last few days of the school year, here are a few of my reflections from this year. Kindness can sometimes be difficult, but is always beautiful. Friendship takes patience, acceptance, and forgiveness. If you are four, it is okay to use the bathroom with the door open. Dead bugs in a windowsill is a organic science lesson. Counting with buttons is cool. You can never have too many boxes of kleenex. Dancing with abandon is a gift of the very young, and it is a blessing to watch. Small hugs with messy hands is always welcomed. It's okay to play in the sink. Paint on your face adds character. The red tricycle is the fastest. Love like a child, purely, simply and unconditionally.

1 comment:

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