Thursday, May 26, 2011

Not really my birthday.

Today was my "school birthday". Every year I am given a surprise school birthday. In a preschool class, birthdays are an especially big deal. Even if it isn't your own! Since my birthday falls during the summer, it comes a little earlier then expected. I never know when it will happen...but the closer we get to the end of the year I know it is upon me.
So yesterday, my two aides were acting very suspicious. It was a dead giveaway when they wanted me to go look at our messy storage shed, for no reason at all. Then the locked me outside by myself.
I thought to myself, "Hmmm...maybe I should go to Starbucks?!" Not really...I opened the door to 23 little voices yelling "Happy Birthday!" And I even got the birthday song...twice.
By the way, they didn't know my birthday was months away, they thought it was the real deal.
For the next hour I received bits of paper with sweet drawings of birthday love. What more could you want?
My aides, those two rascals...lovingly gave me a stuffed zebra and a matching picture book. Some lovely papers and gift card to get a new Cricuit cartridge...and lunch out.
Sometimes we all need to be remind that the simplest messages of love are the best.
Happy Thursday.

1 comment:

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